LA Hitmen / GT FAM Toy Drive at Hollywood Sports

The team killed it! We had about 20 for the clinic preregister plus another 40+ come through and donate more toys and jump in the clinic we held at HSP. We had the airball field all day and even let some local GTFAM teams join us for some fun near the end of the day. Much props to Red Silva, Big Paul, Sam, HSP GoPro and the rest of the Hitmen family including all the recruits hard work. Chris Tregarthen and Derrick Obatake both came out to check out the recruits and provide input besides painting some faces. We didn't have Pops Tacos on deck but one of the recruits set up a taco grill and took care of everyone. Good times for sure!

The toys went to the Hollenbeck youth center. Gio and Bear have been donating to that for years and every year there is a toy drive at HSP to help out. We were happy to do our part. The day before the event it was an all day task to get the field dry. Frankie, Sam and the recruits worked as a team preparing for the Sunday funday.

If you are interested in joining the Hitmen family be sure to rock our sponsors gear and let us know. If you want me to hold a clinic at your paintball field I am an email away.  
