The best entry level paintball marker (gun) in 2019 (possibly history)!

I got to shoot Planet Eclipse's new Emek paintball marker at Supergame 52 this past May held at Sniperz Den in St. Paul, OR. Bea Youngs Paxson of Destiny fame lent me one of her brand new Emek's to try out. (Disclaimer: Bea is sponsored by Planet Eclipse and I nor Hitmen are not sponsored by Planet Eclipse) The Emek marker was released in 2018 but I had not seen one in use until Supergame 52. Super happy I had the chance to try it out.

After running with it for 3 days straight and putting about 6 cases of paint through it I was beyond impressed and happy with this entry into the paintball marker scene. I did not experience a single ball break in the breach nor in the barrel. I was able to snap out dozens of players with higher end guns and also was able to stay on the field for a longer duration due to the exceptional air efficiency it offered. At one point I was in the castle (in the DMZ at Sniperz Den) and I had just eliminated a couple players who were trying to bunker us out. After disposing of the "bad guys" a friendly player behind me exclaimed that he was just looking at the Emek online and was thinking of buying it, one as a backup and two for his daughter. He exclaimed if it was good enough for me to use it must be solid. I let him shoot it really quick and told him honestly how I felt. I replied: "The Emek is probably the best paintball marker in history for $250 MSRP and under!"

Accuracy: A+
I ran an old school O.T.P. barrel that most newer players had never seen before. So this is not based on the stock barrel. The barrel is the only thing I would recommend a player switch after getting this marker. Old tech barrel + New tech marker = Heaven with a side of hotness

Air Efficiency: A
I was able to carry 7 pods of paint and routinely borrowed paint from players when I got low and the fight intensified on the field. Not once did I run out of air! I used an Immortal Air 70ci/4500 system which IMO is the best air system on the market at any price. (Immortal Air = Dan Colby = old school Air America fame. But now Jon Colby is also in the picture. Like father like son this team is solid.)

Weight: A
It is ultra light and balanced. Simple as that. But it is sturdy and well built. If you fall on it it doesn't seem like it will break on you.

Maintenance: A+
Not a single thing went wrong and all I had to do was lower the velocity out of the box. Plus the design offers tool-less maintenance.

Sexy factor: B+
It is a good looking paintball marker that is for sure. Some markers these days look like a special kind of eggplant dung.

Loader: A+
Planet Eclipse really stepped it up with the built in assisted loader tech that comes with the platform. I ran a GI Sportz loader instead of the stock option and didn't notice a single hickup or problem. The GI Sportz loader worked really well on the Emek.

Website to learn more:

Want to puchase a Planet Eclipse Emek but don't know who to buy one from?

Amazon link from a trusted seller:
