Chris Iaquinta's OLD SCHOOL BIG GAME "Classic Paintball is Back" @ SC Village
I think it was at Decay of Nations where Chris Iquinta promised me that Bud Orr would be at this game and a ton of old school players and gear would show up. He said I had to be there, so I was looking forward to the epic road trip to make this one, and boy was I glad that I did. Bud did show up and we got to hang out for a bit. I got to talk to Bryon, Rodney and Ryan and so many others that I haven't seen in forever. Numerous old school paintball players and Hitmen family played and hung out for the day. It was a bit nostalgic to see all the old school players walking around and playing in full force. I felt 16 again in some of those battles on the field. On top of that the vintage guns that Bacci and a couple others had on display were appreciated by almost everyone there. Check out the Facebook Event Page of the game for a ton of pics.
The above social media promo for the game is a really old pic that Gary Baum ( took during an event back in the day. I am rocking my Vertibre WGP Pump Sniper with a Greg Hasting's R7 HD Camera, and a LA Hitmen GA Air-system.
In the pic taken during the actual Old School event I am rocking one of the new but extremely rare Niche Pump Markers. This thing shot like a dream. Absolutely smooth, crisp and accurate as can be. Actually Made in the USA 
Super cool atmosphere! Chris Iquinta did an excellent job and I am sure we all hope he holds more of these events. These types of games will bring past players back to the paintball field by the dozens.

Event held at World Famous Paintball Field:
