Paintball in Hawaii 1st Place LA HITMEN

The LA Hitmen pump team led by Derrick Obatake took 1st place at the recent Hawaii pump event. Who wouldn't want to play in Hawaii? You are in paradise, there are beautiful women everywhere, there is great pump competition, and everyone is happy. And for pump players it is nice to get a chance to play against Rapture the most successful team in Hawaiian history. They have been around for years and give all teams a run for their money anytime anywhere, as long as its on da rock. ;)

This is back to back to back pump wins for the LA Hitmen family. Rostered players include Tony Tran and Chris Tregarthen (both OG LA Hitmen veterans along with Derrick). Also included was Linh Truong (on her 6th year being an LA Hitmen, her first win being NPPL 5 Man Pump in Jacksonville, FL in 2008) and Kat Secor (from Destiny). Kat Gong (another Hitmen veteran) helped out off the field.

Until this event the LA Hitmen had a curse in Hawaii. Nothing but second places! Now it has been broken.  Like us on Facebook
